Our main goal at Sibme is to help educational leaders focus on instructional leadership. Our personalized coaching experience works 1-on-1 with leaders at the school and district level, to develop the skills they need for teaching and learning in their day-to-day work!
My experience working with an administrative coach was golden. In each of our interactions I felt confident that I was challenged, encouraged and better because of the coaching. Working virtually with my coach opened up flexibility to ensure that the meetings happened with a busy administrative schedule.
How Our 1-On-1 Coaching Cycle Works:
Coaches will meet with their own personalized coach, once a week, for a 7-week period. During these 1-on-1 sessions, developing coaches gain the needed skills to ground their coaching in evidence and data.
Our 7-week cycle formula ensures an increased impact on both student and teacher outcomes.
Campus leaders might have the will to stay strategically focused on instructional leadership… but may still lack support when it comes to developing the skills to do so!
To remedy this, our personalized 1-on-1 coaching experience helps school and district leaders develop skills to improve teacher instruction and student outcomes.
What You’ll Learn: